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  • Writer's pictureMx. Novatrix

Gratitude is an Attitude

Hello readers, clients, non-client readers and non-reader clients, plus a few of those pesky ones that come in just to see if my website is worth shutting down (truth be told, many of us Kinky folk have to watch our backs more than our backsides and that's a DAMN shame.)

Today I write from a deep space of gratitude for one of clients who decided to spend his morning and afternoon serving me in my yard. My yard is one of those places that just keeps giving. Living in a clay-filled desert is a special kind of Hell, but my loyal Submissives create a Heaven when they help me tame the wild beast that is the Lighthouse's grounds.

Those of you who know me in a deeper capacity know that service is my number one love language, yes even more than gifts if you can believe it! Though I must say the 9 inch patent leather pleasers I received this month from a previous submissive do also increase my happiness.

This client spread my newly acquired wood chips all over the yard at the Lighthouse to help the newly planted fruit trees grow (I have a veritable forest if you must know.) Three Heaven and Hell trees, 3 Russian Elms, A Willow, 2 Peach Trees, 2 Cherry Trees, A Pine Tree and some volunteers in the front yard that must be baby Russian Elms as well. 14 in one yard plus a garden and endless, endless vines...My yard is a good Submissive's dream.

Provided they also like service.

I write here not to brag about my forest (which is worth bragging about I assure you), but to highlight a concept within domination that isn't often spoken of. This client just got laid off and when he completed his task for the afternoon, he looked at me and said, "It feels good to feel appreciated."

My heart. My heart. My heart.

It is often a difficult thing to find in this world...true appreciation for one's work and efforts. And it goes both ways in the realm of BDSM. He consistently stated how grateful he was for our session. How he felt things that are hard to describe and wanted to show an even deeper appreciation by showing up for his chosen Dominatrix in this capacity.

Thank you Boy. Thank you.

You see the gift of space is one of the things a Dominatrix provides. The space to be seen, the space to be appreciated, the space to serve. Without that space, the ability for service is absent and the gift is lost. First the Dominatrix must be willing to receive (gifts, service, words of affirmation, etc) and secondly the Submissive must be willing to engage from a place of true giving. Giving to give, not to try and get something in return. When both of these things are in place, the beauty of the space and the service are fully realized and the infinity loop is complete. I give space, you give service and in that exchange...we are whole.

I am grateful for him reaching out and providing me with this service today of all days.

8.8-The Lion's Gate. I write here to ask and manifest more beautiful exchanges for my Submissives and myself and as always hope to meet those who truly "Come Correct" to the work and the exchange of energy and see us Dominas for what we truly are.

A gift as you are to us.

So, the next time you wonder why we accept extra tribute, costumes, words, or any other myriad of exchange present in this line of work...Remember, it is for you to give and us to recieve by giving what you so

Hail the Goddexx.

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